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Language production : modalities and expertise

Svetlana Pinet - Chercheuse invitée Ampiric



  • Séminaire du lundi du Centre de Recherche en Psycologie et Neurosciences (CRPN)

Using a cross-modal approach, I study how language and motor functions connect during language production. In particular, I will show how variability in degrees of expertise in different modalities can be used to study language production. While we have so much experience talking, considering expertise becomes particularly relevant when studying other modalities of language production, such as typing. In that context, we can wonder how expertise influences language production processes.

Svetlana PINET (BCBL, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language), actuellement chercheuse invitée par Ampiric


Salle des voutes, Campus Saint-Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo, 13003 Marseille